CIRCULATE-US:  ctDNA-guided Adjuvant Therapy for Stage III Colon Cancer

This study is designed for patients who have recently undergone resection of their colon cancer and identified a low-risk stage III cancer defined by T-stages of 1-3 and N-stage of 1.  ctDNA testing is done in the context of the trial with the Natera Signatera assay.

Treatment Regimens

This study uses standard regimens of FOLFOX (infusional 5FU) or XELOX (capecitabine) or a regimen that adds irinotecan to FOLFOX (FOLFOXIRI) which is commonly used in patients with metastatic disease but has not been widely used in adjuvant therapy.

Key Eligibility Criteria

Patients may not have started any adjuvant therapy before being enrolled in the study.

Tumors must have T stage of 1 to 3, and an N-stage of 1, as annotated on the pathology report.

There are other standard eligibility criteria related to lab values and other chronic illnesses that would need to be reviewed.

For additional information on this trial, please view

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